Drag Queen Funerals Australia

Adding a little sparkle

to remember life and love

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Drag Queen Funerals Australia

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  61 412 611 086




17 Harold St

Mount Lewis NSW 2190


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I have already called a Funeral Director whats next

When you contact me, I will speak to you directly. Your Funeral Director will work with Sandy to help organise your wonderful day including setting up a wonderful location, and getting all the small pieces together. I would suggest to get a quote from your Director First, shop around if needed, and try and organise video’s and Church Leaflets your self.

Do You Only Do Drag Funerals?

No, I also work as a boy if you request it.

Can I have Drag Queens At My Funeral?

Yes my Professional Drag Queens can help bring in the casket, bring some colour and light to the day also. Sometime people like Drag Queens To Perform, Do favorite numbers and sometime say something also. This can bring some wonderful magic to what would be perceived as a sad day.  

How long does your funerals take?.

Funerals can take as long and as little as you wish. If we use a funeral home, you are limited to time, so i prefer to step away from these type of overpriced establishments, but it is your choice.